Articles on: Analytics

Upgraded AfterShip Shipments Analytics


AfterShip's new analytics toolkit provides visualization, user-interface, and functional improvements over the legacy version. The upgrade is designed to enhance user experience with a crisp, modern interface, advanced visualization tools, and improved scalability. Key improvements in the new version pave way to better data analysis and interpretation, customizable views, and comprehensive dashboards for shipment, order-to-delivery time, exceptions, and on-time performance. This document outlines the main differences between Analytics v1 and Analytics v2.

Release timeline

Legacy analytics dashbaord will sunset after the V2 rollout which will be done in phases across September.
V2 will rollout in phases across September.

Affected dashboards

Order-to-delivery time
Transit time
On-time shipments

What has changed

User interface: Modern, user-friendly, and intuitive interface with a clean and organized look, and consistent experiences throughout the dashbaords.
Visualization tools: Advanced visualization tools including interactive elements, customizable options, and various chart types to make data interpretation and analysis easier and more effective. The newly added features include drill-down/up, view underlying data, enlarge map view, show/hide data points, edit columns, and advanced filtering options.
Enhanced analysis: Expanded analysis with comprehensive data, including missing information, historical exceptions, and detailed performance metrics.

Let's talk about each aspect of our new upgraded shipments analytics and what has been added in detail.

User interface

The new interface is designed prioritising user experience with its clean, modern design, and consistent layout across dashboards. It minimizes clutter and highlights relevant information, paving way to a streamlined, easily comprehensible, and intuitive experience.

Visualization tools

The upgraded system includes several advanced visualization features.

1. Drill-down and up

a. Drill-down and up from charts and graphs: Click on a chart, graph, and map to access more detailed data, or click again to return to a broader view. This feature lets you examine data at different levels of detail.

b. Drill Down and Up from the Detailed Table: Click on specific rows within a detailed table to access more granular data or return to a summarized overview.

For example, if you wish to see from which states and regions in the USA the shipments are coming or meant for, you can see the drilled down view. The maps, charts, and the detailed tables will show the shipment volume by those specific states within a major country for a more granular understanding. You can always roll back to a summarized view. This functionality is limited to location and carrier specific data.

2. View underlying data

Click on specific elements within scorecards, visualizations (charts or tables), or measures in detailed tables to view underlying records for greater transparency. For example, if you see a bar chart showing Shipments by status figures, clicking on a particular bar and then View underlying data option can reveal the records of individual shipments that contribute to that total.

This feature is available for measures aggregated by count or sum.

3. Enlarge in map view

Enlarge geographical maps to view shipment routes, delivery locations, and spatial data in more detail.

4. Show or hide measures in visualization

Customizable visualizations where users can show or hide specific measures to focus on relevant data points.

For example, in Transit time reports, the Percentile Transit Time Over Time (Days) line chart showcases how the transit times at different percentiles (P50, P85, and P95) change over a specified period. You can click on specific percentile thresholds given below the X-axis to select which threshold to show or hide from showing on the line graph for a more focused trend analysis.

5. Edit columns

Columns within tables can be edited to better suit your preferences. This includes showing or hiding columns or rearranging the order of columns.

6. Additional filters: New filter options

Additional filters including Delivery date and Shipment tags beyond the existing Created date, Order date, and Pickup date filters for more targeted analysis.

Enhanced analysis

1. Shipments report

The upgraded Shipments report now includes all shipment data, including those with missing location or carrier information, offering a comprehensive view.

2. Order-to-delivery time reports

The upgraded Order-to-delivery time report includes metrics like average order-to-delivery time by lane, processing time by origins, and by carrier for more granular insights and to help identify logistics bottlenecks in each stage of the fulfillment process.

3. Exceptions reports

Optimized the analysis to show all historical exception shipments. The dashboard includes shipments that had an exception in the past, regardless of their current status. This comprehensive view helps in understanding historical trends and preventing future exceptions.

4. On-time shipments reports

Separated into Actual On-Time Performance (original EDD vs. first delivery attempt) and Expected On-Time Performance (original EDD vs. current EDD) to better account for schedule adjustments.

Actual on-time performance: The first report shows the actual on-time performance by comparing the original EDD against the first delivery attempt.
Expected on-time performance: This metric evaluates the expected on-time performance by comparing the original EDD against the current EDD (latest EDD). This comparison takes into account any adjustments or updates made to the delivery schedule after the initial phase.

Updated on: 11/09/2024

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