How to Set Up Your Branded Claim Page?
A branded claim page helps your consumer to have a quick entrance to file a claim. They can use the order number/ id and email to search for the order and file a claim.
You can set up your branding like logo, favicon, color, and background of the claim page, so that to provide a branding experience.
Also, we provide a Protection policy page, you can review and update the policy based on your store service, and then add it to your store navigation footer link, to let your consumer know better about the shipping protection policy.
How it works
Go to the claim page from AfterShip Admin > Protection > Claim page
1. Customized your claim page
Set up your branding logo/ Favicon/ Background/Color of the claim page.

2. Get your claim page URL
Your consumers can search the protected order, which means the order bought AfterShip Protection, and file a claim from this link.
The claim page URL is from AfterShip’s branded tracking page.
The format is {Tracking_page_url}/protection
If you use a custom domain, the {Tracking_page_url} is the custom domain.

3. Add a Protection policy page on your store footer navigation.
To provide a better shipping protection service, we advise you to add the Protection policy page to your store’s footer navigation.
The policy page would tell about what is Protection, what information the end customers need to provide to submit claims, and some FAQs.
Before you add the policy page, please review and update the content based on your store service. AfterShip Protection only provides a template for referral.
You can edit the Protection policy and copy the policy URL.

For the check-box of ‘Add protection policy to claim page’, if you enable it, means to add the policy link to the claim page. So when the end-consumers submit claims, they’ll see the policy link there too.
Please review and update the policy before you enable this feature.
Feel free to contact us if you have any other issues.
Updated on: 27/11/2023
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