How to buy protection from the admin site?
If consumers don’t buy protection for orders that have high risk (high value), merchants can buy protection for the order. Merchants would need to cover the protection cost themselves.
We support merchants to buy protection from the admin UI or via CSV import.
How it works
1) Pre-conditions
Only for customers linked to the E-commerce platform.
Platform supported: Shopify/ Woocommerce/ Salesforce/ Bigcommerce
2) Entrance
Admin dashboard > Protection > Coverages > Add coverage/ CSV import
3) How does it run?
Orders that can buy protection
Order status = unfilled
Order amount is ≥ $10 && ≤ $10,000
Add coverage to orders manually
When click ‘Add coverage’, will show the orders that is not protected. Merchants can choose which order to be protected.

After choosing the orders and clicking ‘Add coverage’, Protection will buy protection for these orders, but no email will be sent out. We'll charge for the premiums from you, you can see the detail in the billing detail.
CSV import to add coverage.
When click ‘CSV import’, will show a pop up.
Merchants can download the ‘Basic CSV template’ and input information: Order number/ Tracking number/ Carriers
When the customer uploads files, we’ll link the order number to the E-commerce platform and create coverage for the order.

When merchants buy protection via the admin portal, we’ll not send notifications to consumers about the order being protected.
But if the consumer would file a claim for the order, we’ll send out notifications.
Updated on: 27/11/2023
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