Articles on: Analytics

Grow Your Business With In-Depth Tracking Page Analytics

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AfterShip tracking page analytics sit at the core of ease, understandability, and effortless monitoring. With everything available right in front of your eyes, without having to set and sort filters to get the data you want, it gives a bird's-eye view of how your customers are interacting with your tracking page.

What you'll learn

In this article, we will discuss:

Dashboard overview
Dashboard filters
Key metrics
Conversion and attribution
Vew metrics performance over time
Marketing clicks
Top marketing assets and product recommendations by clicks
View dashboard reports in detail
Additional actions

Overview of the tracking page analytics dashboard

The Tracking page Analytics dashboard offers insights into your page’s performance. By analyzing different metrics, you can understand how your pages are performing and make smart decisions to enhance content, design, and user experience, leading to better conversions.

Log in to your AfterShip Tracking admin dashboard
Go to Analytics > Tracking Pages

How to apply filters on the dashboard

The dashboard can be filtered using the available options, such as, filter by date and filter by tracking pages.

Filter by date: This filter allows you to analyze the data within the selected time period. You can also select a comparison date range to compare your performance.
Filter by Tracking pages: This filter allows you to view the performance of your tracking pages individually.

By default, the dashboard displays the performance of all your pages in the last 30 days.

Key metrics and their purpose

The dashboard consists of various metrics which are displayed in the metric cards. The metric cards also include the percentage changes from the comparison date range wherein the positive changes are highlighted in green and negative changes are highlighted in red.

Page views: It shows the number of page views that are recorded on the tracking pages. You can monitor how many times your tracking page has been viewed.
Unique visitors: It shows the unique number of visitors recorded on tracking pages. You can measure the number of distinct individuals who have visited your tracking page.
Avg. session duration: It shows the average amount of time visitors spend on the tracking pages. This metric helps you to gauge the level of engagement and interest of your visitors.
Bounce rate: The bounce rate is determined by dividing one-page visits by all visits. It’s counted when a visitor enters a page and leaves without interacting with it, like opening a tracking page and exiting without clicking anything. This metric allows you to measure the percentage of sessions where users navigate away from your website after only viewing your tracking page.

Note: A high bounce rate is perfectly normal if your page is intended only for package status checking, in which case single-page interactions are expected.

Marketing clicks: It shows the number of clicks on marketing elements, which includes marketing assets, product recommendations, navigation bar, and social media. The metric helps you in understanding user engagement with your marketing efforts.
Marketing CTR: It shows how often visitors who see your marketing elements end up clicking it. The metric is calculated as the number of clicks on the page elements divided by the number of page views.

A high CTR is a good indication that users find your ads or product listings helpful and relevant.

Attributed orders: It shows the total number of orders generated by your tracking page. The metric helps you to measure the success of your conversion efforts.
Attributed revenue: It shows the total amount of orders generated by your tracking pages, excluding shipping charges and taxes. This metric helps you identify the pages that contribute most to your revenue and assess the financial impact of your pages’ performance.

Please note that Attributed orders and Attributed revenue metrics are only applicable to Shopify.

Concept of conversion and attribution

Conversion tracking

A conversion occurs when a customer interacts with your page by clicking on any marketing elements and then places an order in your store within the attribution window. By default, the attribution window for your tracking page is set to 3 days.


Day 1: Your customer visits your tracking page and clicks on a product link.
Day 3: The customer returns to your store and places an order.

In this example, the order and revenue would be attributed to the tracking page since it falls within the 3-day attribution window. However, if the customer makes the purchase on day 5, it will not be attributed to the tracking page.

Please note that If a customer interacts with multiple tracking pages and places an order within the attribution window, each page gets credit for the conversion. However, the total sales number will not include duplicate entries from multiple tracking pages, ensuring that each tracking page receives credit for the conversion.

Multi-channel conversion

If you are using both the tracking page and notification emails channels, and both channels are associated with a conversion, the overall sales will be displayed as individual sales from AfterShip. However, the analytics dashboard for notifications and tracking pages will show the sales attributed to both channels respectively.


Day 1: A customer opens a notification email, clicks a link, and is taken to the store.
Day 2: The customer visits your tracking page and clicks on a product link.
Day 3: The customer returns to your store and places an order worth $100.

In this example, the order and the $100 revenue would be attributed to both the notification emails and tracking page respectively, since it falls within the 3-day attribution window for both channels. However, if the customer places an order on day 5, the conversion will be attributed to the tracking page only, as it happens outside the email's attribution window.

Additional information

It may take up to 6 hours for data of all metrics, except Attributed Order and Attributed Revenue, to appear in your reports.
Data for Attributed Order and Attributed Revenue metrics updates daily around 03:00 am UTC timezone.
Data for Attributed Order and Attributed Revenue metrics is available starting from January 1st, 2023.
For attributed revenue, the order amount is automatically converted to the default US currency, i.e., USD.

How to view metrics performance over time

The dashboard allows you to view the performance of each metric over time with the help of a chart that is present below the metric cards.

You can adjust the time frame for the charts by clicking Day, Week and Month options.

Similarly, you can monitor the performance for the Attributed orders over time and Attributed revenue over time.

What is Marketing clicks by section

You can view the distribution of clicks by sections and identify which sections are attracting the most engagement and which ones may need improvement.

Top marketing assets and product recommendations by clicks

Top marketing assets and Top product recommendations by clicks charts allow you to dive deeper into the data and analyze engagement more precisely. You can identify which products or images are attracting the most attention and generating the highest engagement.

How to view dashboard reports in detail

You can view the details of each report by clicking on the top right corner of each chart and access the data in a table view on the detail page.
This allows you to analyze the report more comprehensively, facilitating a deeper exploration of the presented data.

What actions can be performed on the dashboard or report

The Dashboard provides several actions that you can take to enhance your experience and share valuable insights with others. Here are the actions you can perform:

Eport PDF

To save or share a screenshot of the dashboard, click on the option located in the upper right corner to export it as a PDF file. This enables you to capture the current state of the dashboard and conveniently share it with your team members.

Export CSV

On the detail page of each report, you can select to export specific data from the report as a CSV file for further analysis.

Email reports or dashboard

If you want to share the latest insights and performance metrics with your team members, you can schedule recurring email reports or dashboards to receive regular updates. View details here

Please note that Email reports or dashboard is only available for Enterprise standard and advanced plans.

In case you need any further assistance, feel free to contact our support team.

Updated on: 09/09/2024

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